AGS Judges Reporting Forms
Reporting Continuing Education Activities
YOU must let us know when you've participated in a continuing education activity so that your credentials are maintained. While the CE activity leader can send the group form for everyone; ALL participants should do it for themselves using the Individual form THE FORMS ~or~
Do you prefer to print and mail the form? If so, download the relevant form above (or below), complete and mail it to AGS Membership, PO Box 2186, Kokomo, IN 46904-2186 |
Reporting Judging & Clerking Activity
Every time you were a judge or clerk at any show where gourds were judged using the AGS Judging Guidelines YOU should report it so you can be given credit. Use the individual reporting form. We also want the Head Judge or Competition Chairperson to submit the Group Judging Reporting Form. |
Judging Program Team
Reagan Bitler, PA
Bonnie Gibson, AZ
Phil Moorhead, IN
Sylvia Nelson, CA
Terry Noxel, NY
Record Keeper: Dallas Lunsford
Contact Information:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Reagan Bitler, PA
Bonnie Gibson, AZ
Phil Moorhead, IN
Sylvia Nelson, CA
Terry Noxel, NY
Record Keeper: Dallas Lunsford
Contact Information:
[email protected]
[email protected]